Pickled Strawberries Recipe: How To Make Pickled Strawberries

Pickled Strawberries

Greetings, fellow foodies! I’m excited to share a delicious culinary experience with you today that will not only tempt your taste senses but also bring back pleasant memories: Strawberry pickles. Just picture the explosion of taste as the tang of vinegar and the ideal combination of spices meet the juicy strawberries. This dish not only keeps strawberries fresh but also perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the season. So let’s get off on this adventure via taste and reminiscence together.




  • 1 pound Fresh Strawberries ripe and firm
  • 1 cup White Vinegar
  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Whole Black Peppercorns
  • Fresh Mint Leaves: A handful
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick
  • Pinch of Salt




Prepare the Strawberries:

  • Start by giving the strawberries a gentle wash under running water to prepare them. With a fresh kitchen towel, pat them dry. If you like, cut the stems off and cut the leaves into halves or quarters. Large strawberries should be placed in a bowl with a pinch of salt on top. Allowing them to sit for around 30 minutes can aid in removing extra moisture.

Prepare the Pickling Solution:

  • The pickling solution should be prepared by combining the cinnamon stick, whole black peppercorns, white vinegar, and granulated sugar in a pot. Turn the pan to medium heat and whisk occasionally until the sugar dissolves completely. For 5-7 minutes, let the mixture simmer gently to let the flavors melt together.

Pack the Jars:

  • Place the prepped strawberries in the sterilized glass jars while the pickling solution is simmering. For a flavorful and aromatic boost, sprinkle a few fresh mint leaves between the layers. To accommodate the liquid, leave a little opening at the top of the jar.

Pour in the Pickling Liquid:

  • Make sure the strawberries in the jars are well soaked before carefully pouring the warm pickling solution over them. With the wooden spoon, gently press down on the strawberries to release any air bubbles. To guarantee a good seal, wipe the jar rims with a clean, moist cloth.

Pickled Strawberries Recipe

Pickled Strawberries

Discover the delicious fusion of flavor and reminiscence in our recipe for pickled strawberries. Every mouthful transmits the flavor of handcrafted sweetness, sweetening memories. Discover the recipe for this gourmet treasure by clicking right now to start a voyage of flavor that will be with you forever.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Cooling and Marinating Time: 1 day
Total Time 1 day 20 minutes
Course Pickle
Cuisine American
Servings 8 people
Calories 110 kcal


  • Glass Jars with Lids: Ensure they are clean and dry
  • Saucepan For preparing the pickling solution
  • Wooden spoon: For stirring and mixing
  • Knife and cutting board For slicing the strawberries
  • Sterilized Tongs: For placing strawberries in jars
  • A Dash of Patience and Love


  • 1 pound Fresh Strawberries ripe and firm
  • 1 cup White Vinegar
  • 1 cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Whole Black Peppercorns
  • Fresh Mint Leaves: A handful
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick
  • Pinch of Salt


Prepare the Strawberries:

  • Start by giving the strawberries a gentle wash under running water to prepare them. With a fresh kitchen towel, pat them dry. If you like, cut the stems off and cut the leaves into halves or quarters. Large strawberries should be placed in a bowl with a pinch of salt on top. Allowing them to sit for around 30 minutes can aid in removing extra moisture.

Prepare the Pickling Solution:

  • The pickling solution should be prepared by combining the cinnamon stick, whole black peppercorns, white vinegar, and granulated sugar in a pot. Turn the pan to medium heat and whisk occasionally until the sugar dissolves completely. For 5-7 minutes, let the mixture simmer gently to let the flavors melt together.

Pack the Jars:

  • Place the prepped strawberries in the sterilized glass jars while the pickling solution is simmering. For a flavorful and aromatic boost, sprinkle a few fresh mint leaves between the layers. To accommodate the liquid, leave a little opening at the top of the jar.

Pour in the Pickling Liquid:

  • Make sure the strawberries in the jars are well soaked before carefully pouring the warm pickling solution over them. With the wooden spoon, gently press down on the strawberries to release any air bubbles. To guarantee a good seal, wipe the jar rims with a clean, moist cloth.


Keyword Pickled Strawberries, Pickled Strawberries Recipe

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are Pickled Strawberries?
Fresh strawberries are turned into pickled strawberries by soaking them in a sour-sweet mixture of vinegar, sugar, and seasonings. This procedure keeps their flavor distinctive and freshness intact.

2. How to Make Pickled Strawberries at Home?
It’s simple to make pickled strawberries at home! Fresh strawberries should be cleaned, sliced, and put in jars. Strawberries should be covered with a prepared mixture of vinegar, sugar, and spices. Our comprehensive recipe guide contains comprehensive directions.

3. What Ingredients Are Needed for Pickled Strawberries?
Fresh strawberries, white vinegar, granulated sugar, black peppercorns, fresh mint leaves, cinnamon sticks, and a touch of salt are required to prepare pickled strawberries. The optimum flavor combination is produced by these elements.

4. Can Pickled Strawberries Be Used in Cooking?
Absolutely! Strawberry pickles can be used in a variety of recipes. They are wonderful garnishes for salads, sweets, and even savory foods like grilled meats. Their tart and sweet flavor gives your meals a distinctive edge.

5. How Long Do Pickled Strawberries Last?
Pickled strawberries can keep for a few weeks to a few months in the refrigerator when kept in airtight jars. To ensure the best flavor and quality, it is advised to eat them within a month or two.

6. Are Pickled Strawberries Healthy?
Strawberries that have been pickled still largely have nutritional value. They provide antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. They should only be used in moderation as part of a healthy diet because they also contain sugar.

7. Can Pickled Strawberries Be Frozen?
It is not advisable to freeze pickled strawberries since the texture could change after thawing. The ideal way to enjoy them for taste and quality is fresh or chilled.

8. Where Can I Buy Pickled Strawberries?
You can easily create pickled strawberries at home following our straightforward technique even if they might not be widely accessible in supermarkets. You can experience the most tasty and recent pickled strawberries by doing this.

Pickled Strawberries Recipe

Nutrition Fact 

Nutritional Information for Pickled Strawberries (Per 1 cup, approximately 166g):

  • Calories: ~100-110 kcal (mainly from sugar content)
  • Carbohydrates: ~25-30g (mainly from strawberries and sugar)
  • Dietary Fiber: ~4-5g (from strawberries)
  • Protein: ~1g (negligible)
  • Fat: ~0.5g (negligible)

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