Best And Simple Mix Veg Recipe (Indian Recipe)

mix veg

Are you prepared to go on a gastronomic adventure that blends a mix of flavours, tantalising scents, and bright colours? Look nowhere else! In this article, we offer you a delicious recipe for a mix-vegetable meal(mix veg) that is not only full of vital nutrients but also visually beautiful. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a culinary novice, this dish will delight your palate and leave you wanting more. Learn more about mix veg and how this meal may improve your eating experience by diving in.

Mix Veg

This dish for mixed vegetables is a celebration of bold hues, interesting textures, and a well-balanced spice mixture. It is a delicious and healthful way to add a variety of veggies to your diet. This dish of mixed vegetables is a must-try whether you're a vegetarian or just trying to include more plant-based meals in your diet.
Try with various vegetable combinations, and change up the spices to suit your tastes. With this adaptable recipe, you can let your imagination run wild and create it uniquely yours. So grab your ingredients, light the stove and start cooking for an unforgettable gourmet experience. Enjoy the variety of flavours and nutritional deliciousness that mix veg provides to your meal!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Breakfast, Main Course
Cuisine American, Indian
Servings 4 people
Calories 300 kcal


  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Large pot
  • Pan or Skillet
  • Wooden spoon or spatula
  • Measuring spoons
  • Serving dish
  • Stove or Cooktop
  • Strainer (optional)
  • Grater (optional)
  • Garlic Press (optional)


  • 2 cups Assorted vegetables (carrots, beans, cauliflower, peas, bell peppers, etc.)
  • 1 medium Onion – finely chopped
  • 3-4 Garlic cloves – minced
  • 1 inch piece Ginger – grated
  • 2 Green chilies , finely chopped (adjust to your spice preference)
  • 1 medium, Tomato – finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin seeds –
  • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder –
  • 1/2 teaspoon Red chili powder – (adjust to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon Garam masala –
  • Salt – to taste
  • 2 tablespoons Cooking oil
  • Fresh coriander leaves – for garnishing


Prepare the Vegetables:

  • All the veggies should be washed and cut into bite-sized pieces.
  • Salt the water while it is on the stove to boil. To gently tenderise the veggies while maintaining their crispness, blanch them for two to three minutes. Drain, then set apart.

Sauté the Aromatics:

  • Oil in a pan is heated to medium heat. Stir in the cumin seeds and watch them puff up.
  • Add green chilies, ginger, and garlic that has been minced. Sauté until fragrant for one minute.

Add the Flavorful Spices:

  • Add garam masala, red chilli powder, and turmeric powder to the pan after lowering the heat. Combine thoroughly with the sautéed aromatics.

The Tomato Base:

  • To the pan, add the finely chopped onion, and cook until transparent.
  • Add the chopped tomatoes and simmer them until they are mushy and thicken the sauce.

Bring It All Together:

  • Add the blanched veggies to the pan and raise the heat to medium.
  • Make sure the tomato gravy is thoroughly incorporated into the veggies as you stir-fry them for 4–5 minutes.
  • Salt to taste, taking into account the salt that was used for blanching.
  • To enable the flavours to mingle, cook for a further 2 minutes.

Serve and Garnish:

  • Place the delicious vegetable mixture in a serving bowl.
  • To add colour and freshness, garnish with freshly chopped coriander leaves.

Enjoy the Culinary Bliss:

  • The mixed veg dish should be served hot with steaming rice, naan, or roti.
  • Enjoy every morsel of the flavorful and fragrant vegetable mixture that will tempt your palate.



Certainly! When creating a meal that calls for a variety of vegetables, keep the following advice in mind:



  1. Use fresh veggies: For the finest flavour and nutritional value, choose fresh, in-season vegetables. This will improve the dish’s flavour and texture in general.
  2. Keep the veggies crisp: When stir-frying the vegetables, be cautious of the cooking time. It’s better to cook them just long enough for them to become somewhat soft yet keep their crispness. Vegetables that have been overcooked may become mushy and lose nutrients.
  3. Spice adjustment: Tailor the spices to your personal tastes for flavour. Reduce the number of green chilies or chilli powder if you like a milder flavour. On the other hand, you may add more spices or chilli powder if you like a dish that is hotter.
  4. Vegetable choices may be tailored: feel free to experiment with various vegetable pairings in accordance with your tastes. To make your own special mix-veg dish, add or swap out other veggies.
  5. Fresh garnish: Adding fresh coriander leaves as a garnish not only gives the meal an infusion of freshness, but it also improves its aesthetic appeal. Just before serving, scatter the coriander leaves to preserve their fresh flavour and colour.
  1. Allergies and dietary restrictions: Precautions should be taken if any of your visitors or you have any allergies or dietary restrictions. Verify whether ingredients—for example, spices or vegetables—might cause allergies or intolerances. Additionally, it’s usually beneficial to find out in advance about the dietary preferences and limits of those for whom the food is being prepared.
  2. Vegetable cleaning properly: Before utilising the veggies, be sure to fully wash them to get rid of any dirt, pesticides, or germs. If necessary, wash them with running water or give them a brief soak in water.
  3. Food safety and hygiene: When handling and preparing the items, use appropriate food safety and hygiene procedures. This include cleaning your hands prior to cooking, keeping the kitchen tidy, and making sure that leftover materials and the finished food are stored properly.
  4. Heat and oil safety: To prevent splattering, use caution while handling hot pans and when adding spices to hot oil. Use the proper utensils for stirring and combining, and keep a safe distance from the heat source.
  5. Portion control: While a meal of mixed vegetables may be healthy, it’s crucial to take into account portion proportions as part of a balanced diet. To produce a balanced meal, pay attention to portion management and combine the mixed vegetable dish with additional nutrient-dense sides such whole grains or sources of protein.
You may ensure a secure and joyful cooking experience while creating your delectable mix veg dish by keeping these suggestions and safety considerations in mind. Have fun cooking!

History of Mix Veg :-

The idea of combining different vegetables in cooking has a long history and is seen in many different cuisines all over the world. This idea can be linked to the origins of mix-vegetable meals. It’s crucial to remember, though, that depending on geographical and cultural factors, the precise origins and history of mix-vegetable recipes may differ. Here are a few notable moments in mix veg history:
Global Origins:
  • Ancient civilizations: A variety of vegetables were used in the cuisine of many ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. It was feasible to utilise mixed veggies in cooking to generate savoury and nutrient-dense meals while using seasonal food.
Regional Influences:
  • Indian Cuisine: Mix-vegetable dishes have a long history and are a crucial component of the vegetarian culinary tradition in Indian cuisine. With its strong vegetarian tradition, India’s many regional cuisines have a wide variety of mixed-vegetarian meals. Indian mix veg meals are complex and have distinctive flavours because of the use of spices and fragrant herbs.
  • Chinese food: A variety of mixed vegetable dishes are also served in Chinese food. Vegetable stir-fries, like the well-known dish “Chop Suey,” demonstrate the skill of blending various vegetables for texture, colour, and flavour.
  • Mediterranean food: Mixed vegetable dishes are frequently used in Mediterranean cuisine, which places an emphasis on using fresh, in-season products. Greek briám and French ratatouille are two examples of dishes that combine a range of vegetables with herbs and olive oil for cooking.
Modern Innovations:
  • The idea of mix vegetables has grown and varied as a result of globalisation and the blending of culinary cultures. To produce inventive and distinctive mix veg recipes, chefs and home cooks experiment with various vegetable, spice, and cooking method combinations.
Dishes with a combination of vegetables are continually evolving and adapting to contemporary tastes and nutritional needs. They provide a flexible and wholesome alternative for vegetarians and others trying to increase the proportion of plant-based foods in their diets. The technique of mixing vegetables to make delectable and tasty dishes that are loved all over the world is demonstrated by the history of mixed vegetables, whether it be a traditional recipe passed down through generations or a modern spin on mixed veggies.

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