Pink Moon Milk Recipe: How To Make Pink Moon Milk

Pink Moon Milk

Finding moments of peace is valuable in a society when stress frequently seems normal. Relishing a calming cup of Pink Moon Milk is a great way to relax. This delightful mixture promises to soothe you while adding a taste explosion and a touch of sophistication to your nighttime ritual.





  • 2 cups of milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • 1 teaspoon of dried rose petals
  • 1 teaspoon of dried lavender buds
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (adjust to taste)
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • A pinch of ground cardamom (optional)
  • A pinch of ground nutmeg (optional)




  • Heat the milk in a small saucepan over medium heat to start. We want it to be gently warm, so be careful not to boil it.

  • Add the dried rose petals and lavender buds to the milk while it heats. Let them soak in the milk for five to seven minutes, releasing their subtle fragrances and tastes.

  • Strain the milk to get rid of the lavender buds and rose petals once it has steeped. For this step, you can use a cheesecloth or a fine-mesh sieve.

  • After adding the honey, cinnamon, and any more spices you like, return the infused milk to the pot. Cardamom and nutmeg provide a delicious depth of flavor.

  • Stir the milk occasionally and keep warming it slowly until it reaches the required temperature. Take care not to allow it to boil.

  • Once fully heated, transfer the Pink Moon Milk into your preferred cup, take a long sip, and relish the moment of calm it provides.

Pink Moon Milk Recipe

Pink Moon Milk

Savor the tranquilizing qualities of Pink Moon Milk, a skillfully made elixir that is intended to relax your senses and relieve your day's tension. Take a bite out of our recipe and set out on a voyage of exquisite enjoyment.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 2 minutes
Total Time 12 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 4 people
Calories 260 kcal


  • Small Saucepan
  • Stirring spoon
  • Fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth
  • Mug for serving


  • 2 cups of milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • 1 teaspoon of dried rose petals
  • 1 teaspoon of dried lavender buds
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (adjust to taste)
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • A pinch of ground cardamom (optional)
  • A pinch of ground nutmeg (optional)


  • Heat the milk in a small saucepan over medium heat to start. We want it to be gently warm, so be careful not to boil it.
  • Add the dried rose petals and lavender buds to the milk while it heats. Let them soak in the milk for five to seven minutes, releasing their subtle fragrances and tastes.
  • Strain the milk to get rid of the lavender buds and rose petals once it has steeped. For this step, you can use a cheesecloth or a fine-mesh sieve.
  • After adding the honey, cinnamon, and any more spices you like, return the infused milk to the pot. Cardamom and nutmeg provide a delicious depth of flavor.
  • Stir the milk occasionally and keep warming it slowly until it reaches the required temperature. Take care not to allow it to boil.
  • Once fully heated, transfer the Pink Moon Milk into your preferred cup, take a long sip, and relish the moment of calm it provides.


Keyword Pink Moon Milk, Pink Moon Milk Recipe

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Pink Moon Milk?
Dried rose petals, lavender buds, a little honey, and spices are added to heated milk to create Pink Moon Milk, a calming and fragrant beverage. It’s well-known for its soothing qualities and pretty pink color.

Why is it called Pink Moon Milk?
The term “Pink Moon Milk” refers to the milk’s pinkish hue, which is created by blending in rose petals and occasionally additional natural coloring ingredients like beetroot powder. The word “moon milk” refers to calming drinks that are recommended for bedtime and are believed to encourage greater sleep and relaxation.

What are the benefits of drinking Pink Moon Milk?
A number of possible advantages of pink moon milk include easing tension, encouraging relaxation, and improving the quality of sleep. This beverage is a soothing addition to your nighttime ritual because of the relaxing effects of the components, such lavender and honey.

Can I customize the recipe to suit my preferences?
Of course! Pink Moon Milk offers extensive customization. Depending on your dietary requirements, you may experiment with other spices like cinnamon or cardamom, change the sweetness by adding more or less honey, or even try different kinds of milk, such dairy or plant-based alternatives.

Is Pink Moon Milk suitable for vegetarians and vegans?
Absolutely, you can simply make Pink Moon Milk vegan or vegetarian friendly by using plant-based milks like oat, soy, or almond milk and substituting plant-based sugars like maple syrup for honey.

When is the best time to enjoy Pink Moon Milk?
The ideal time to consume Pink Moon Milk is in the evening as part of your nightly ritual. An hour or so before going to bed, have a warm cup of Pink Moon Milk to help you decompress, calm your body and mind, and get ready for a good night’s sleep.

Can Pink Moon Milk be reheated?
Yes, if necessary, Pink Moon Milk may be reheated. To retain its tastes and qualities, just gently reheat it over the stove or in the microwave, being cautious not to boil it.

Pink Moon Milk Recipe

Nutrition Fact 

Estimated nutrition breakdown for Pink Moon Milk based on the ingredients listed and common nutritional information:

Please note that these are approximate values and can vary based on specific brands of ingredients used and any variations in serving size.

  • Milk:

    • Depending on whether you use dairy or plant-based milk, the nutritional values can vary. For example, 2 cups of cow’s milk typically contain:

      • Calories: 240

      • Protein: 16g

      • Fat: 8g

      • Carbohydrates: 24g

      • Calcium: 600mg (60% DV)

      • Vitamin D: 5mcg (25% DV)

      • Other vitamins and minerals such as riboflavin, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and potassium.

  • Honey:

    • 1 teaspoon of honey contains approximately:

      • Calories: 21

      • Carbohydrates: 5.7g

      • Sugars: 5.7g

  • Dried Rose Petals and Lavender Buds:

    • These ingredients are primarily used for flavor and aroma and contribute negligible nutritional value.

  • Spices (Cinnamon, Cardamom, Nutmeg):

    • These spices are used in small amounts and contribute minimal calories and nutrients. However, they may offer some health benefits due to their antioxidant properties.

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