How To Make Patti Labelle Banana Pudding (Recipe)

Patti Labelle Banana Pudding

Greetings and welcome back to FoodieFront, where we reveal the mysteries of delicious meals that will make your taste buds dance. Today, Patti LaBelle’s Banana Pudding will introduce us to the world of traditional desserts with a soulful touch. Patti LaBelle, who is well-known for her heartfelt vocals and equally heartfelt dishes, has created a banana pudding that is comfort food in a bowl. So let’s get together in our virtual kitchen and prepare a bowl of deliciously creamy goodness.





  • 1 box of vanilla wafers
  • 5-6 ripe bananas, sliced
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • ½ cup of all-purpose flour
  • ¾ teaspoon of salt
  • 3 cups of whole milk
  • 4 large egg yolks, slightly beaten
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter




Prepare the Pudding Base:

  • To make the pudding base, mix together the sugar, flour, and salt in a saucepan. Stir in the milk gradually. Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat until mixture thickens.

Temper the Eggs:

  • To temper the eggs, beat the egg yolks gently in a different basin. Stirring continuously, gradually add a little amount of the heated milk mixture to the beaten eggs. Tempering is the technique that keeps the eggs from scrambling when they are added to the heated mixture.

Combine and Cook:

  • Return the egg mixture to the saucepan containing the remaining heated milk mixture. Cook until the pudding has the consistency of pudding, 2 to 3 minutes more. Take off the heat.

Add Butter and Vanilla: 

  • Using a whisk, thoroughly mix in the butter and vanilla essence. This gives the pudding a deep, fragrant flavor.

Layering Time:

  • Layer the prepared pudding, sliced bananas, and vanilla wafers in a big bowl or individual serving dishes.

Chill and Serve:

  • To avoid a skin from forming, cover the pudding with plastic wrap, making sure it touches the surface. Place in the fridge to chill for a minimum of four hours or overnight. Enjoy the creamy, soothing sweetness of this chilled dish!

Patti Labelle Banana Pudding Recipe

Patti Labelle Banana Pudding

Savor the heartfelt joy of Patti LaBelle's Banana Pudding, where every layer narrates a nostalgic and cozy tale. Enjoy a lovingly created symphony of tastes. Discover the secret in this beloved dish that goes beyond flavor—a treat to be savored spoonful by spoonful.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Chilling Time: 4 hours
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 6 people
Calories 320 kcal


  • Saucepan
  • Whisk
  • Mixing Bowls
  • Serving dish or individual bowls
  • Plastic Wrap


  • 1 box of vanilla wafers
  • 5-6 ripe bananas, sliced
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • ½ cup of all-purpose flour
  • ¾ teaspoon of salt
  • 3 cups of whole milk
  • 4 large egg yolks, slightly beaten
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter


Prepare the Pudding Base:

  • To make the pudding base, mix together the sugar, flour, and salt in a saucepan. Stir in the milk gradually. Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat until mixture thickens.

Temper the Eggs:

  • To temper the eggs, beat the egg yolks gently in a different basin. Stirring continuously, gradually add a little amount of the heated milk mixture to the beaten eggs. Tempering is the technique that keeps the eggs from scrambling when they are added to the heated mixture.

Combine and Cook:

  • Return the egg mixture to the saucepan containing the remaining heated milk mixture. Cook until the pudding has the consistency of pudding, 2 to 3 minutes more. Take off the heat.

Add Butter and Vanilla: 

  • Using a whisk, thoroughly mix in the butter and vanilla essence. This gives the pudding a deep, fragrant flavor.

Layering Time:

  • Layer the prepared pudding, sliced bananas, and vanilla wafers in a big bowl or individual serving dishes.

Chill and Serve:

  • To avoid a skin from forming, cover the pudding with plastic wrap, making sure it touches the surface. Place in the fridge to chill for a minimum of four hours or overnight. Enjoy the creamy, soothing sweetness of this chilled dish!



Here’s a fun fact for you to know when you’ve mastered Patti LaBelle’s Banana Pudding recipe: Did you know that Patti’s family has been serving this recipe for years? It’s evidence of the dessert’s enduring popularity that both relatives and fans adore it.

Keyword Patti Labelle Banana Pudding, Patti Labelle Banana Pudding Recipe

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Q: Can I use instant pudding mix for Patti Labelle’s Banana Pudding?
A: For that rich, authentic flavor, Patti Labelle’s recipe calls for a handmade pudding base. While instant pudding can be used in a pinch, the handmade version is well worth the effort.

2. Q: How ripe should the bananas be?
A: Choose bananas that are ripe but not mushy. To ensure a sweet and creamy texture in your pudding, they should be golden with a few brown spots.

3. Q: Can I make Patti Labelle’s Banana Pudding in advance?
A: Without a doubt! In fact, after chilling overnight, the tastes merge even better. Make it ahead of time for a stress-free dessert for your next party.

4. Q: Is it necessary to use whole milk, or can I use a lower-fat option?
A: Whole milk adds to the smoothness of the pudding, but you can use low-fat milk if you want. Just be aware that it may somewhat affect the texture.

5. Q: Can I substitute ingredients like almond milk or gluten-free flour?
A: While alternatives are available, the taste and texture may be affected. Experiment with caution, remembering that the original components contribute to the recipe’s distinct character.

6. Q: How long does Patti Labelle’s Banana Pudding last in the refrigerator?
A: For maximum freshness, consume it within 2-3 days. Beyond that, the pudding may still be safe to eat, but the texture may alter.

7. Q: Can I freeze Patti Labelle’s Banana Pudding?
A: Freezing is not suggested since it can change the consistency of the pudding. It’s finest served fresh or chilled.

8. Q: What makes Patti Labelle’s Banana Pudding special?
A: Patti’s recipe mixes a soulful touch with classic ingredients to create a comfortable dessert that many people enjoy. The handcrafted pudding base distinguishes it, resulting in a creamy and decadent delight.

9. Q: Can I add extra ingredients like nuts or chocolate chips?
A: Without a doubt! To add a personal touch, feel free to modify with your favorite elements. Chopped nuts or chocolate chips can be used to provide texture and flavor.

Patti Labelle Banana Pudding Recipe

Nutrition Fact 

Patti LaBelle’s Banana Pudding (Per Serving):

Calories: Approximately 300-350 calories

Total Fat: Approximately 8-10 grams

  • Saturated Fat: Approximately 4-6 grams

Cholesterol: Approximately 100-150 milligrams

Sodium: Approximately 150-200 milligrams

Total Carbohydrates: Approximately 50-60 grams

  • Dietary Fiber: Approximately 1-2 grams

  • Sugars: Approximately 30-40 grams

Protein: Approximately 7-9 grams

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