Maison Pickle Recipe: Best And Simple Maison Pickle at Home

Maison Pickle

Welcome to our food section, where we find delicious dishes to tempt your palate. Today’s post features a renowned recipe for Maison Pickles, a meal that blends the skill of pickling with flavours from France. Prepare yourself for a culinary journey packed with tangy, savoury delight.




  1. 1 kg cucumbers, sliced
  2. 2 large red onions, thinly sliced
  3. 4 cloves garlic, minced
  4. 1 cup white vinegar
  5. 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  6. 1 cup water
  7. 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  8. 2 tablespoon kosher salt
  9. 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
  10. 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
  11. 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
  12. 1/2 teaspoon celery seeds
  13. 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)




  • Prepare the brine: white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, water, sugar, kosher salt, mustard seeds, black peppercorns, coriander seeds, celery seeds, and red pepper flakes (if wanted) should all be put together in a big pot. Over medium heat, gently bring the liquid to a boil while stirring regularly to dissolve the salt and sugar.
  • Prep the vegetables: Cleaning the veggies Cucumbers should be washed and cut into thin rounds. Red onions should be peeled and finely sliced. The garlic cloves are minced.
  • Jar the pickles: To preserve the pickles, sterilize a few glass jars with tight-fitting lids by placing them in a washing cycle or boiling water for a brief period of time. Fill the jars with the red onions, cucumber slices, and minced garlic.
  • Pour the brine: Make sure the veggies in the jars are completely submerged by carefully pouring the hot brine over them. Each jar should have a tiny amount of headroom at the top.
  • Seal and cool: Put the lids on the jars firmly and let them cool. Before putting them in the refrigerator, let them get to room temperature. After at least 24 hours in the fridge, the pickles will be ready to eat, but their flavors will continue to develop.


Maison Pickle

Maison Pickle

Maison Pickle is a delightful and adaptable condiment that may improve a variety of foods. You can make your own jar of pickled cucumbers and onions using this easy method, and it will tantalise your taste buds and give your food a flavour boost. Therefore, assemble your supplies and start a pickle-making adventure in your home right away!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 1 day 28 minutes
Course Side Dish
Cuisine American


  • Large saucepan
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Glass jars with tight-fitting lids
  • Tongs or jar lifter
  • Sterilizing equipment
  • Spoon or ladle
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Wooden spoon:
  • Cooling rack
  • Refrigerator


  • 1 kg cucumbers, sliced
  • 2 large red onions, thinly sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon celery seeds
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)


  • Prepare the brine: white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, water, sugar, kosher salt, mustard seeds, black peppercorns, coriander seeds, celery seeds, and red pepper flakes (if wanted) should all be put together in a big pot. Over medium heat, gently bring the liquid to a boil while stirring regularly to dissolve the salt and sugar.
  • Prep the vegetables: Cleaning the veggies Cucumbers should be washed and cut into thin rounds. Red onions should be peeled and finely sliced. The garlic cloves are minced.
  • Jar the pickles: To preserve the pickles, sterilize a few glass jars with tight-fitting lids by placing them in a washing cycle or boiling water for a brief period of time. Fill the jars with the red onions, cucumber slices, and minced garlic.
  • Pour the brine: Make sure the veggies in the jars are completely submerged by carefully pouring the hot brine over them. Each jar should have a tiny amount of headroom at the top.
  • Seal and cool: Put the lids on the jars firmly and let them cool. Before putting them in the refrigerator, let them get to room temperature. After at least 24 hours in the fridge, the pickles will be ready to eat, but their flavors will continue to develop.

Serving Suggestions:

  • Classic Sandwich Topping: For an added kick of flavour, add Maison Pickles to your favourite sandwiches, such a robust Reuben or a traditional burger.
  • Charcuterie Board: To dress up your charcuterie board, place Maison Pickles next to a variety of cured meats, cheeses, and crackers.
  • Salads and Wraps: Pickles may be chopped and used to salads or wrapped in tortillas for a crisp, reviving flavour.
  • Cheese and Pickle Platter: For a pleasant flavour contrast, combine Maison Pickles with a variety of gourmet cheeses.



Certainly! Here are some pointers and other things to consider when creating Maison Pickles:
  1. For the finest results, use high-quality ingredients like crisp red onions and fresh, firm cucumbers. Your pickles will taste and feel better overall if you use high-quality ingredients.
  2. Pickling cucumbers are frequently preferred because of their smaller size, thinner skin, and harder texture, while normal cucumbers can still be used. Cucumbers for pickling are an excellent option for Maison Pickles if you can locate them.
  3. Slice thickness: When slicing the cucumbers and onions, strive for consistent and thin slices. Slices that are thinner will better absorb the flavors of the brine and have a more satisfying texture.
  4. Brine personalization: Feel free to change the spices and seasonings in the brine to suit your taste. For more flavor, try experimenting with herbs like dill, thyme, or bay leaves.
  5. Before adding the pickles, make sure the glass jars and lids have been thoroughly sterilized. The pickles’ shelf life is increased, and their freshness is maintained thanks to sterilization.
  6. Refrigeration and cooling: The pickles must cool to room temperature before being placed in the refrigerator. This avoids condensation and guarantees that the flavors meld harmoniously. To encourage air circulation throughout the cooling process, don’t forget to set the jars on a cooling rack.
  7. The pickles’ flavors will continue to develop over time, even though they will be ready to eat after at least 24 hours in the fridge. Before completely savoring the pickles, let them sit in the refrigerator for a few days or even a week for the greatest flavor.
  8. Maison Pickles normally last for a few weeks in the fridge; however, time may cause their texture to soften. For the greatest quality, it is advised to consume them within a month.
  9. Inventive serving suggestions: Maison Pickles may be used in a variety of cuisines. In addition to the previously suggested serving ideas, think about using them as a zesty topping for potato salads, grilled meats, or tacos.
  10. Savour and spread: Pickles cooked at home make fantastic presents or add to a picnic or potluck. To spread the delight of handmade food, think about giving your Maison Pickles to family and friends.
Keep in mind that pickling is a fluid procedure, so you may modify the recipe to suit your tastes. To completely personalize your Maison Pickles, don’t be afraid to get inventive and enjoy experimenting with various flavors and ingredients.

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