How To Make Lemon Cake Mix Cookies (Recipe)

Lemon Cake Mix Cookies

Hello, fellow lovers of food! I’m excited to share a delicious dish with you today, Lemon Cake Mix Cookies, that will definitely brighten your taste senses and warm your heart. These cookies are a celebration of flavors and emotions rather than merely a palate-pleasing delicacy. Now put on your apron and let’s explore the wonderful world of baking!





  • 1 box of lemon cake mix
  • 1/2 cup of vegetable oil
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon extract (for that extra zing!)
  • 1/2 cup of powdered sugar (for rolling)




Step 1: Preheat and Prepare

  • Set the oven temperature to 350°F (175°C). To avoid sticking, line your baking sheet with parchment paper.

Step 2: Mix the Goodness

  • Lemon cake mix, eggs, vegetable oil, and lemon extract should all be combined in a mixing dish. Mix until thoroughly combined, all of the ingredients. The batter will take on a beautiful lemony hue, and the aroma will fill your house with delightful scents!

Step 3: Shape Your Cookies

  • Transfer the granulated sugar into a small bowl. Now, roll a tiny portion of cookie dough into a ball the size of a walnut. Coat the dough ball completely by rolling it in the powdered sugar. Put the sweet treat on the ready baking sheet. Continue until you have an entire tray full of these delicious promises.

Step 4: Bake to Perfection

  • Place the baking sheet with cookies in the oven that has been preheated. Bake the cookies for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the edges start to turn a light golden color. The delicious aroma of freshly baked goods and lemon will permeate your house as they bake.

Step 5: Let Them Cool (If You Can Wait!)

  • After removing from the oven, let the cookies to cool down for a few minutes on the baking sheet. After that, move them to a wire rack to finish cooling. Of course, if you give in to the temptation, there’s nothing better than a warm cookie and a glass of chilled milk.

Lemon Cake Mix Cookies Recipe

Lemon Cake Mix Cookies

Taste the bright spirit of our recipe for Lemon Cake Mix Cookies. Every mouthful explodes with zesty joy, conjuring up visions of bright days and lovingly prepared food. Explore the pure delight of baking and indulge your taste buds with an array of flavors.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Additional Time (cooling, multiple batches): 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Cookies
Cuisine American
Servings 8 people
Calories 90 kcal


  • Mixing bowl
  • Whisk or Electric Mixer
  • Baking sheet lined with parchment paper
  • Cooling rack


  • 1 box of lemon cake mix
  • 1/2 cup of vegetable oil
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon extract (for that extra zing!)
  • 1/2 cup of powdered sugar (for rolling)


Step 1: Preheat and Prepare

  • Set the oven temperature to 350°F (175°C). To avoid sticking, line your baking sheet with parchment paper.

Step 2: Mix the Goodness

  • Lemon cake mix, eggs, vegetable oil, and lemon extract should all be combined in a mixing dish. Mix until thoroughly combined, all of the ingredients. The batter will take on a beautiful lemony hue, and the aroma will fill your house with delightful scents!

Step 3: Shape Your Cookies

  • Transfer the granulated sugar into a small bowl. Now, roll a tiny portion of cookie dough into a ball the size of a walnut. Coat the dough ball completely by rolling it in the powdered sugar. Put the sweet treat on the ready baking sheet. Continue until you have an entire tray full of these delicious promises.

Step 4: Bake to Perfection

  • Place the baking sheet with cookies in the oven that has been preheated. Bake the cookies for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the edges start to turn a light golden color. The delicious aroma of freshly baked goods and lemon will permeate your house as they bake.

Step 5: Let Them Cool (If You Can Wait!)

  • After removing from the oven, let the cookies to cool down for a few minutes on the baking sheet. After that, move them to a wire rack to finish cooling. Of course, if you give in to the temptation, there's nothing better than a warm cookie and a glass of chilled milk.


Keyword Lemon Cake Mix Cookies, Lemon Cake Mix Cookies Recipe

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: What is a Lemon Cake Mix Cookie?
A few basic ingredients, such eggs and oil, are combined with lemon cake mix to create a delectable baked delicacy known as a lemon cake mix cookie. It’s a quick and simple way to savor the crisp flavor of lemon in cookies.

Q2: How to Make Lemon Cake Mix Cookies from Scratch?
Start with a lemon cake mix, then add eggs, vegetable oil, and lemon extract to make homemade lemon cake mix cookies. Combine, form into biscuits, coat with icing sugar, and bake until golden. See our thorough recipe above.

Q3: Can I Add Other Ingredients to Lemon Cake Mix Cookies?
Of course! Add some white chocolate chips, lemon zest, or chopped almonds to your Lemon Cake Mix Cookies to make them even better. Your cookies will have more taste and texture thanks to these additions.

Q4: Are Lemon Cake Mix Cookies Gluten-Free?
Because the cake mix contains wheat, lemon cake mix cookies are typically not gluten-free. But if you’re in need of a gluten-free version, specialty stores have gluten-free cake mix substitutes.

Q5: How Long Do Lemon Cake Mix Cookies Stay Fresh?
Lemon Cake Mix Cookies can be kept fresh for approximately three to five days at room temperature when kept in an airtight container. You can refrigerate them for up to a week to extend their shelf life.

Q6: Can I Freeze Lemon Cake Mix Cookie Dough?
The dough for Lemon Cake Mix Cookies can indeed be frozen! Form the dough into balls, place them in a freezer-safe bag, and freeze them on a tray. When baking time comes, put the frozen dough balls on a baking sheet and bake for an additional few minutes.

Q7: What Occasions Are Lemon Cake Mix Cookies Perfect For?
These Lemon Cake Mix Cookies are ideal for a number of events, such as birthday celebrations, potlucks, and picnics, but they’re especially great in the spring and summer. They are a hit because of their zesty, refreshing flavor.

Q8: Can I Make Lemon Cake Mix Cookies Without Eggs?
Yes, you can use egg substitutes like applesauce, yogurt, or mashed bananas to make eggless Lemon Cake Mix Cookies. These substitutes preserve the flavor and texture of the cookie.

Q9: Where Can I Find High-Quality Lemon Cake Mix for Cookies?
Premium lemon cake mix for your cookies can be purchased from reputable supermarkets, bakeries, or internet sellers. Seek out reliable companies recognized for their delicious cake mixes.

Lemon Cake Mix Cookies Recipe

Nutrition Fact 

  • Nutritional Information (Per Serving, assuming one serving is one cookie):

    • Calories: Approximately 80-100 kcal
    • Total Fat: Approximately 4-6g
      • Saturated Fat: Approximately 1-2g
      • Trans Fat: 0g
    • Cholesterol: Approximately 10-20mg
    • Sodium: Approximately 70-100mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: Approximately 10-15g
      • Sugars: Approximately 6-8g
    • Protein: Approximately 1-2g

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