Delightful Jalebi Recipe: A Sweet Symphony of Flavors


The popular traditional Indian dessert known as jalebi is known for its delicious syrupy filling and golden, crispy crust. A favourite during festivals, festivities, and special events, this dessert has a circular form. Jalebi has garnered fans all over the world with its divine flavour and alluring perfume. This blog post will go through how to make this delicious dessert at home step-by-step. Let’s explore the world of jalebi now and learn its secrets to make this mouthwatering treat!





Jalebis may seem difficult to make at home, but with this recipe, you can bring the charm of this well-known Indian dessert to life right in your own kitchen. Jalebis never fail to please, whether it's a celebratory event or a need for a sweet pleasure. So put on your chef's hat, grab your supplies, and start your adventure to making these golden, sugary treats. Prepare to enjoy the crispy texture, sweet flavour explosion, and fragrant symphony of flavours that have made jalebis a longtime favourite.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Course Dessert, Side Dish
Cuisine Indian
Servings 4 people
Calories 88.8 kcal


  • Mixing bowl
  • Whisk or spoon
  • Piping Bag or Squeeze Bottle
  • Deep Frying Pan or Kadai
  • Slotted Spoon
  • Saucepan
  • Serving plate
  • Ziplock Bag or Plastic Bag with a small hole Optional
  • Kitchen Thermometer Optional


For the batter:

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour (maida)
  • 2 tablespoons chickpea flour (besan)
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon turmeric powder (optional, for color)
  • 1 cup lukewarm water

For the syrup:

  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • A few strands of saffron (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon rose water (optional)
  • Ghee or oil, for deep frying


Preparing the Batter:

  • The all-purpose flour, chickpea flour, baking soda, and turmeric powder should be combined in a large mixing basin.
  • While stirring the mixture, add yoghurt to the dry ingredients. Then, add lukewarm water gradually. Stir until the mixture resembles pancake batter and is smooth and flowing.
  • Let the batter rest in the basin with the lid on for 30 minutes. The batter undergoes a minor fermentation process throughout the resting period, which improves the jalebis' flavour and texture.

Preparing the Syrup:

  • Water and sugar are combined in a pan. Over medium heat, bring the liquid to a boil while regularly swirling to ensure that the sugar thoroughly dissolves.
  • Saffron threads and cardamom powder can be added to the syrup for flavour and colour. The syrup has to be simmered for 5 to 6 minutes to slightly thicken.
  • Rose water gives the syrup a fragrant aroma and should be added after turning off the heat. Keep it warm and set away.

Frying the Jalebis:

  • A deep frying pan or kadai should be heated over medium heat using ghee or oil. The jalebis should be able to float while being fried in just enough ghee or oil.
  • The jalebi batter should be poured into a piping bag or squeeze bottle. An alternative is to use a ziplock bag that has had a little hole cut out of one corner.
  • Once the ghee or oil is heated, carefully pipe little circular shapes into the pan by starting in the middle and spiralling outward. You may also draw tiny concentric circles by hand.
  • The jalebis should be deep-fried till crisp and golden. Make sure both sides are cooked equally.
  • Remove the jalebis from the pan with a slotted spoon, then pour off any extra ghee or oil.

Soaking the Jalebis:

  • After placing the fried jalebis in the heated syrup, let them soak for two to three minutes. Turn them over gently to make sure the syrup is on both sides.
  • You may soak the jalebis for a longer period of time for a softer texture. Reduce the soaking time, however, if you desire a crispier texture.

Serving and Enjoying:

  • Place the jalebis on a serving platter after carefully removing them from the syrup.
  • For more crunch and aesthetic appeal, garnish with chopped nuts like almonds, pistachios, or silvered almonds.
  • Jalebis are best eaten while they are fresh, so serve them warm or at room temperature. They can be served as a stand-alone dessert or in a decadent combination with rich vanilla or rabri ice cream.



Who can eat Who cannot

Many people all around the world appreciate the delicious dessert known as jalebis. It’s crucial to remember that jalebis contain substances like sugar and wheat flour, which may not be suited for everyone. Considerations for who can consume jalebis and who may want to avoid or limit their intake are as follows:
Vegans & Vegetarians: Jalebis may be turned vegan by substituting plant-based yoghurt and ghee for the animal-based versions that are generally used in making them.
Gluten-sensitive or Celiac Disease sufferers: All-purpose flour, which is typically used to make jalebis, includes gluten. Jalebis should only be consumed by those without celiac disease or gluten sensitivity if they are made with gluten-free flours.
Diabetes sufferers and those with blood sugar issues should avoid jalebis because of their high sugar and carbohydrate content. People with diabetes or worries about their blood sugar levels should only sometimes eat jalebis or look for recipes that are low in sugar or sugar-free.
Jalebis may include yoghurt and ghee, which are dairy products, if you have lactose intolerance or a dairy allergy. Make sure the recipe calls for dairy-free substitutes if you have a lactose sensitivity or a dairy allergy.
People with nut allergies should be aware that almonds and pistachios are frequently used as garnish on jalebis. The garnish should not be used by anyone with nut allergies, or they should substitute a topping that is safe for them.
When eating jalebis or any other cuisine, it’s crucial to take into account personal dietary demands, allergies, and limits, just as with any other food. It is always advised to get personalised guidance from a healthcare practitioner or qualified dietitian if you have particular dietary problems.

Tips and Precaution

  1. Rest the Batter: Giving the batter around 30 minutes to rest promotes fermentation, giving the jalebis a superior texture and flavour.
  2. Consistency of Batter: Check the batter’s consistency to make sure it is smooth and flowing, like pancake batter. Add a little water to the batter to thin it out if necessary.
  3. Piping Technique: Maintain a steady and even flow when piping the jalebi batter into the boiling oil or ghee. Before frying, practise the circular motion on a plate to develop a feel for it.
  4. Temperature Control: Controlling the temperature is important while frying the jalebis. The jalebis may brown too rapidly on the surface while being undercooked within if the oil or ghee is too hot. The jalebis may absorb extra oil if the temperature isn’t high enough.
  5. Time Spent Soaking: How long the jalebis soak in the sugar syrup will affect how they are textured. Increase the time they soak to give them a softer, syrup-soaked texture. Reduce the soaking time for a sharper texture.
  1. Hot Oil or Ghee: When working with heated oil or ghee, exercise caution. Use a slotted spoon or tongs to handle the jalebis while maintaining a safe distance. To prevent burns, avoid coming into touch with the hot oil.
  2. Splattering: There may be splattering while piping the jalebi batter into the hot oil or ghee. Keep your distance and cover yourself with an apron to avoid getting splattered.
  3. Syrup Temperature: The temperature of the sugar syrup should be handled with caution. Use cautious when stirring and pouring it since it can get quite hot. Before adding the jalebis, let it cool a little.
  4. Dietary Restrictions and Allergies: Consider any dietary requirements or allergies of those who will be eating the jalebis. If necessary, make the proper substitutes for items like dairy, gluten, or nuts.
  5. Storage and Consumption: Jalebis are best appreciated while they are still warm from the day they were made. To retain their freshness when storage, place them in an airtight container. Jalebis should be eaten as soon as possible after cooking because rewarming them could change their texture.
You can guarantee a secure and productive jalebi-making experience by adhering to these recommendations and safety measures. Savour the flavour of freshly produced jalebis while taking pleasure in the process of making this delectable Indian treat.



History of Jalebi

Jalebi has a long history that dates back to antiquity and has changed throughout the years. Since jalebi is a well-liked dessert in many nations and regions, each with its own varieties, it is unclear where it first originated. But it is said to have its roots in the Indian subcontinent.

The mediaeval era saw the introduction of jalebi to the Indian subcontinent, which is said to have Persian or Arabic origins. According to legend, the dish was introduced to India by Persian or Arab traders and then changed to suit local preferences.

During the Mughal era, which lasted from the 16th through the 19th century, jalebi became increasingly popular in India. Jalebi is one of the many rich and tasty foods that the Mughals, who are renowned for their love of lavish cuisine, helped create. The inclusion of spices like saffron and rose water in the creation of jalebi demonstrates the influence of Persian and Mughal culinary traditions.

Jalebi was adopted by several regions of India over time, and each one added its own special twist to make it a staple of Indian cuisine. Jalebis are referred to by several names throughout India, including “Jilapi” in Bengal and “Imarti” in Rajasthan.

Jalebis are now consumed around the world, not just in India and its surrounding nations like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Additionally, they are becoming more well-liked in Middle Eastern nations, where they are referred to as “Zalabiya” or “Luqmat al-Qadi.”

In these locations, jalebis are frequently consumed at festivals, weddings, and other events. They are still a well-liked sweet delicacy that are cherished for its crunchy texture, brilliant colour, and wonderful sweetness.

A monument to the extensive culinary interchange and influences that have moulded the diverse and tasty cuisine of the Indian subcontinent and beyond is the history of the jalebi.

Frequently Asked Questions –

Q. Can I make jalebis using whole wheat flour rather than all-purpose flour?
While all-purpose flour is typically used to make jalebis, whole wheat flour can also be used. However, take notice that each jalebi may have a slightly different texture and flavour.

Q. Does jalebis without yoghurt still work?
In order to impart a mild tang and speed up fermentation, yoghurt is frequently included in jalebi batter. Lemon juice or vinegar can be used in its place if you don’t have any yoghurt, however the flavour and texture may alter somewhat.

Q. Can I use the syrup I used to soak the jalebis again?
To achieve the greatest flavour and consistency, fresh syrup is often advised to be used for soaking jalebis. The jalebis’ flavour and quality may suffer if the syrup is re-used.

Q. Is it possible to prepare jalebis without deep frying them?
Jalebis are traditionally prepared by deep-frying them, which gives them their distinctively crunchy texture. Although the outcomes may vary, you may also try other options like shallow frying or baking jalebis.

Q. How long can I keep jalebis in storage?
Fresh jalebis are best eaten the day they are made. Place them in an airtight container if you need to preserve them, and eat them within 1-2 days. Be aware that their texture could deteriorate with time.

Q. Can jalebis be frozen?
Jalebis shouldn’t be frozen because doing so might substantially change their texture and flavour. For the finest taste, it’s better to eat them right away.

Q. Is it possible to create jalebis without a piping bag?
Yes, you may use a ziplock bag or a plastic bag with a small hole sliced into one corner if you don’t have a piping bag. As an alternative, you can manually form tiny concentric circles using a spoon or ladle.

Q. Can I lessen the syrup’s sugar content?
The sugar syrup is essential for flavouring and sweetening the jalebis. The final product’s sweetness and texture may change depending on the amount of sugar used. In general, for the best results, stick to the recipe.

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