How To Make Cookies And Cream Cocktail (Recipe)

Cookies And Cream Cocktail

Want to spice up your next get-together with a little extra opulence, or are you just in the mood for something sweet to relax with? You only need to check out our recipe for Cookies and Cream Cocktail! The smoothness of the cream and the rich tastes of the chocolate cookies are expertly balanced in this creamy mixture, making it a decadent and enticing drink. The finest aspect? Since it contains no alcohol, everyone may enjoy it. So, this dish is likely to be a winner, whether you’re serving it at a party or just indulging yourself.




  • 1 cup of milk
  • ½ cup of heavy cream
  • 4 chocolate sandwich cookies (such as Oreos), plus extra for garnish
  • 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Whipped cream, for topping (optional)




  • Crush the chocolate sandwich cookies first, until they are finely chopped. The cookies can be crushed with a rolling pin inside a plastic bag or processed in a food processor.

  • Blend together the heavy cream, milk, crushed cookies, chocolate syrup, and vanilla extract using a blender. Process until smooth and creamy, being careful to properly include the cookie crumbs into the mixture.

  • After blending, transfer the liquid into glasses, allowing space for the optional whipped cream topping to sit above.

  • Garnish each glass with a full chocolate sandwich cookie and a dollop of whipped cream, if you’d like.

  • Serve right away and savor the opulent taste combination!

Cookies And Cream Cocktail Recipe

Cookies And Cream Cocktail

This recipe for Cookies and Cream Cocktail will satisfy your sweet craving! Savor a silky cream and chocolate cookie mixture that's delicious and appropriate for every occasion.
Prep Time 8 minutes
Assembly Time: 4 minutes
Total Time 12 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 6 people
Calories 250 kcal


  • Blender
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Glasses for serving
  • Optional Food processor or plastic bag and rolling pin for crushing cookies


  • 1 cup of milk
  • ½ cup of heavy cream
  • 4 chocolate sandwich cookies (such as Oreos), plus extra for garnish
  • 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Whipped cream, for topping (optional)


  • Crush the chocolate sandwich cookies first, until they are finely chopped. The cookies can be crushed with a rolling pin inside a plastic bag or processed in a food processor.
  • Blend together the heavy cream, milk, crushed cookies, chocolate syrup, and vanilla extract using a blender. Process until smooth and creamy, being careful to properly include the cookie crumbs into the mixture.
  • After blending, transfer the liquid into glasses, allowing space for the optional whipped cream topping to sit above.
  • Garnish each glass with a full chocolate sandwich cookie and a dollop of whipped cream, if you'd like.
  • Serve right away and savor the opulent taste combination!


Keyword Cookies And Cream Cocktail, Cookies And Cream Cocktail Recipe

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is the Cookies and Cream Cocktail suitable for children to drink?
A: Definitely, yes! Since this drink recipe doesn’t include any alcohol, both adults and kids may enjoy it.

Q: Can I make substitutions for any of the ingredients in the recipe?
A: Of course! Feel free to play around with different cookie recipes or alter the sweetness by adjusting the quantity of chocolate syrup used. To accommodate dietary requirements, you may also experiment with substitute dairy or non-dairy products like almond milk or coconut cream.

Q: How far in advance can I prepare the Cookies and Cream Cocktail?
A: The foundation mixture can be prepared ahead of time and refrigerated for up to a day before serving, however fresh is preferred. Just mix or whisk until well combined, then pour into glasses and decorate.

Q: Can I add alcohol to this cocktail if I prefer a boozy version?
A: Definitely! You may add a dash of your preferred alcohol, such Bailey’s Irish Cream or vodka, to give your cocktail an extra kick. Just be aware that doing so will change the flavor profile and make it only appropriate for adult use.

Q: How can I make the Cookies and Cream Cocktail vegan-friendly?
A: You can easily make this drink vegan-friendly by using plant-based substitutes like almond milk or coconut cream in place of dairy products like milk and cream. Make sure the cookies you select are vegan-friendly, and look for any goods produced from animals in the ingredients of the chocolate syrup.

Q: Can I serve the Cookies and Cream Cocktail with any side dishes or desserts?
A: Definitely! This cocktail goes very well with brownies, cheesecake, or fruit tarts, among other treats. For a well-rounded flavor profile, you may also serve it with savory nibbles like popcorn or pretzels.

Q: How can I make the Cookies and Cream Cocktail thicker or thinner to suit my preference?
A: It’s simple to change the cocktail’s consistency! Just change the recipe’s milk-to-cream ratio. Use less milk and more cream for a thicker consistency, and vice versa for a thinner texture. To get the thickness you want, you may simply add extra or less smashed cookies.

Cookies And Cream Cocktail Recipe

Nutrition Fact 

Estimated nutritional breakdown for one serving of the Cookies and Cream Cocktail, based on the provided ingredients and assuming a standard serving size:

  • Calories: Approximately 250 kcal

  • Total Fat: Approximately 15g

    • Saturated Fat: Approximately 9g

  • Cholesterol: Approximately 40mg

  • Sodium: Approximately 150mg

  • Total Carbohydrates: Approximately 25g

    • Dietary Fiber: Approximately 1g

    • Sugars: Approximately 20g

  • Protein: Approximately 3g

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