Best And Simple Butter Naan Recipe


Traditional Indian bread known as naan is a favourite side dish for many savoury curries. Butter Naan stands out among the numerous naan kinds as a delicious and decadent option that gives a rich and tasty touch to any meal. You may make real Butter Naan in the convenience of your own home with the help of this blog article. You can make restaurant-quality naan at home with basic materials and step-by-step instructions, which will wow your family and friends.




Any Indian lunch would benefit from homemade Butter Naan, and with the help of this simple recipe, you may have a restaurant-quality version of it at home. This bread is a real hit with the crowd thanks to its tender, buttery texture and alluring scent. So gather your supplies, put on your work clothes, and get ready to enjoy this handmade Butter Naan recipe's genuine Indian flavours. Enjoy the process and take pleasure in your culinary accomplishments!
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 10 minutes
Course Breakfast, Main Course
Cuisine Chinese, Indian
Servings 4 people
Calories 250 kcal


  • Mixing Bowls
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Rolling Pin
  • Skillet or tawa
  • Kitchen towel or plastic wrap
  • Brush
  • Optional Fresh coriander leaves can be used to decorate the naans if preferred. To cut the coriander leaves in that situation, you could require a pair of kitchen scissors or a sharp knife.


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup plain yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 1/2 cup warm milk
  • 2 tablespoons oil (for greasing and cooking)
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter (for brushing)
  • Fresh coriander leaves (optional, for garnish)


Step 1: Activating the Yeast

  • Mix the sugar, 1/4 cup of warm milk, and active dry yeast in a small bowl. The mixture should be gently stirred and left to stand for 5 to 10 minutes to foam up.

Step 2: Preparing the Dough

  • Add the all-purpose flour, salt, and melted butter to a large mixing bowl. Combine them thoroughly after mixing.
  • Add yoghurt and the active yeast mixture to the bowl. Mix thoroughly.
  • While kneading the dough, gradually add the remaining warm milk. When the dough is soft and flexible, keep kneading it.
  • Once the dough is combined, move it to a surface that has been lightly dusted with flour and knead it for a further 5-7 minutes, or until it is smooth and elastic.

Step 3: Proofing the Dough

  • Place the dough in a clean bowl that has been greased with oil. Use plastic wrap or a moist towel to cover the bowl.
  • For approximately an hour or two, the dough should rise in a warm, draft-free area until it has doubled in size. This step is essential for making fluffy, tender naans.

Step 4: Shaping and Cooking the Naans

  • Punch the dough down carefully to release the air once it has risen.
  • The dough should be divided into 8 to 10 equal-sized balls. Cover them with a moist towel and let them rest for 10 minutes.
  • Heat a tawa or nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
  • Roll each dough ball with a rolling pin into an oval or circular shape one at a time. Aim for a 1/4 inch thickness or less.
  • Place the naan wet-side down on the heated skillet after lightly brushing one side of it with water.
  • Flip the naan after cooking for around 30 seconds or until bubbles appear on the surface.
  • Brush melted butter on the naan after removing it from the griddle. If preferred, you can garnish it with fresh coriander leaves.
  • The process should be repeated with the remaining dough balls, adding more oil to the skillet as necessary.
  • Cook the opposite side for a further 30 seconds or until golden spots start to emerge.

Step 5: Serving and Enjoying

  • Serve the warm, buttery naans as a side dish or as a solo snack with your favourite Indian dishes.
  • They go very well with dal makhani, butter chicken, and other dishes of your choice.
  • Although butter naans are tastiest when eaten just out of the skillet, you may warm them briefly in the oven or toaster before serving.



Tips and Precautions for Making Butter Naan:

  1. Use warm water to activate the yeast: Make sure you use warm, not hot, water to activate the yeast. While cold water might not fully activate the yeast, hot water has the potential to do so.
  2. Allow enough time for dough proofing: Allow enough time for the dough to prove since it has to have enough time to rise and double in size. For maximum results, be sure to put it in a warm, draft-free environment.
  3. Knead the dough well: effective kneading encourages the development of gluten, resulting in a soft, elastic dough. Knead the dough slowly until it becomes supple and smooth.
  4. Before shaping, let the dough rest: After dividing the dough into balls, give them a few minutes to rest. The dough is simpler to roll out after this resting period, which helps to relax the gluten.
  5. Roll the naans evenly: To ensure that the naans cook consistently, aim for an equal thickness while rolling out the dough.
  6. Adjust cooking heat as needed: As you cook the naans, adjust the heat in your skillet or tawa as necessary. Undercooked naans may arise from using a heat setting that is too low or too high.
  7. Brush with melted butter: Melted butter should be brushed over the cooked naans to improve flavour and give them a glossy appearance. You may also include garlic butter or other flavoured butters for an even deeper flavour.
  8. Serve immediately: Butter Naans are finest when eaten fresh from the griddle, so serve them right away. Together with your favourite curries or meals, serve them warm and soft.


  1. Be careful when handling hot surfaces: The tawa or skillet used to cook the naans may get hot. To properly handle them, use kitchen towels or oven mitts.
  2. Watch out for hot oil or melted butter: Take extra care to prevent any splattering or contact with hot oil while brushing the naans with melted butter.
  3. Verify for any food allergies or restrictions: Consider any dietary restrictions or allergies you may have as well as those of your visitors. Dairy, gluten, and other allergies including yeast are all present in butter naan. If necessary, think about substituting foods or ask your visitors if they have any dietary restrictions.
You’ll be well-equipped to make tasty and genuine Butter Naans at home while guaranteeing a safe and joyful cooking experience by paying attention to these suggestions and safety measures.



Naan, often known as Butter Naan, is a bread with a long history that dates back many centuries. Naan’s precise ancestry is unknown, although it is thought to have started in either Central Asia or the Indian subcontinent.

The Persian word “nan” for bread is where the term “naan” originates in the English language. During the Middle Ages, Persians introduced their bread-making methods to the Indian subcontinent. Naan changed over time and became a crucial component of the local cuisine.

In India, the Mughlai cuisine, which emerged under the Mughal Empire (1526–1857), is notably linked with naan. Naan was a staple bread eaten alongside the rich and delicious meals that the Mughals were famous for serving at their lavish and opulent feasts.

Traditionally, naan was baked in tandoors, which were clay ovens heated by the burning of wood or charcoal. The tandoor’s inside walls were where the dough was slapped in hopes that it would stay and bake perfectly. This process produced the distinctively charred and mildly smokey flavour of naan.

Naan began to be served in homes and neighbourhood restaurants as it acquired appeal outside of royal circles throughout time. It evolved distinct flavours and cooking methods as it expanded over the Indian subcontinent. In instance, Butter Naan is a well-liked variation in which the naan is coated with melted butter to give it a rich and decadent flavour.

Naan is now one of the most popular Indian breads in the globe. It is frequently offered in Indian restaurants and goes well with many different curries, kebabs, and other delicious foods. Many people choose naan because of its adaptability, soft texture, and capacity to soak up sauces.

Butter Naan has experienced significant evolution over the years, including new fillings or toppings like garlic, cheese, or herbs in addition to maintaining its traditional roots.

The development of naan from a regal luxury to a mainstay of Indian cuisine is illustrated by its history. Its voyage is a reflection of the various cultural influences and gastronomic customs that have influenced the cuisine legacy of the Indian subcontinent.


Frequently Asked Questions –

What distinguishes Butter Naan from regular Naan?
A: The planning and finishing touches make the biggest differences. In contrast to regular naan, butter naan is coated with melted butter, giving it a rich and decadent flavour.

Can I prepare Butter Naan without a skillet or tandoor?
A: A tandoor or skillet are not necessary to create Butter Naan. The naan can be prepared on a standard non-stick pan or griddle instead.

Can I replace all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour?
A: You may create whole wheat Butter Naan by using whole wheat flour in place of all-purpose flour. However, be aware that the texture and flavour could change somewhat.

 Can Butter Naan be frozen?
A: Yes, Butter Naan may be frozen. The cooked naans should be allowed to cool fully before being stacked in a freezer-safe bag or container with parchment paper placed in between each piece. As required, thaw and reheat.

How can Butter Naan be reheated?
A: You may reheat Butter Naan in the oven, microwave, or toaster. It may be warmed and softened by briefly toasting it or cooking it in a pan.

Are there any Butter Naan substitutes that are gluten-free?
A: You may prepare gluten-free Butter Naan by using gluten-free flour blends or other types of flour, such as rice or almond flour. The recipe might need to be altered.

Can Butter Naan be made vegan?
A: You may prepare vegan Butter Naan by using plant-based substitutes for dairy-based products, such as vegan butter and yoghurt.

How long can I keep Butter Naan in storage?
A: It’s ideal to eat freshly baked Butter Naan right away. However, it may be kept chilled for two to three days if carefully stored in an airtight container or zip-lock bag.

Can I serve Butter Naan with foods that aren’t Indian?
A: Butter Naan is a versatile bread that goes well with many different foods. It can go well with Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, or other cuisines that are enhanced by bread.

Can I make butter naans in little sizes for appetisers?
A: By splitting the dough into smaller sections and modifying the cooking time appropriately, you may create smaller Butter Naans for appetisers or snacks.

Keep in mind to modify the recipe and cooking directions to suit your dietary restrictions, personal tastes, and any other special demands you may have.

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