Delicious Homemade Black Forest Cake Recipe – A Heavenly Treat!

black forest cake
Food lovers welcome back! A delicious and moist Black Forest Cake is what I have for your taste buds today. With its deep chocolate flavour, rich cherry filling, and lovely whipped cream topping, this traditional German delicacy has captured the hearts of many. Let’s dig into this decadent black forest cake recipe that will wow your family and guests if you’re ready to go on a culinary trip.

Black Forest Cake

Discover the ultimate Black Forest Cake recipe – a delightful blend of moist chocolate layers, tangy cherry filling, and heavenly whipped cream frosting. Perfect for celebrations or satisfying your sweet cravings.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Baking the Cake Layers 28 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Course Dessert, Side Dish
Cuisine German
Calories 3498 kcal


  • Mixing Bowls
  • Electric Mixer or Hand Whisk
  • 9-inch Round Cake Pans
  • Parchment Paper
  • Saucepan
  • Spatula
  • Serrated Knife
  • Wire Cooling Rack
  • Piping Bag and Star Tip (optional)
  • Cherry Pitter (optional)
  • Refrigerator


For the Chocolate Cake Layers:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 teaspoons salt
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 1 cup whole milk, at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup boiling water

For the Cherry Filling:

  • 2 cups pitted cherries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

For the Whipped Cream Frosting:

  • 2 cup heavy whipping cream, chilled
  • 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

For Garnish (optional):

  • Chocolate shavings
  • Fresh cherries


Preheat the Oven:

  • Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). Two 9-inch round cake pans should be greased and lined with parchment paper. Greasing the parchment paper beforehand will make it simple to remove the cake afterwards.

Prepare the Chocolate Cake Layers:

  • Flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt should all be thoroughly blended in a large mixing basin.

Mix the Wet Ingredients:

  • The dry ingredients should be combined with the eggs, milk, vegetable oil, and vanilla essence. The batter should be smooth and creamy after roughly two minutes of electric mixer use at medium speed.

Add Boiling Water:

  • Carefully whisk in the hot water before adding it to the batter. It's natural for the mixture to thin down since doing so makes for a moister cake.

Bake the Cakes:

  • Equally distribute the batter among the prepared cake pans. A toothpick inserted in the centre of the cake should come out clean after baking for 25 to 30 minutes. The cakes should be taken out of the oven and allowed to cool for 10 minutes in the pans. After that, move them to a wire rack to finish cooling.

Prepare the Cherry Filling:

  • The pitted cherries, sugar, cornflour, and lemon juice should all be combined in a pot. Cook the mixture while stirring continuously over medium heat until it thickens and the cherries start to juice. Take it off the stove and let it cool.

Whip the Cream Frosting:

  • Whip the cream frosting by combining heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract in a chilled mixing bowl. Whip the cream until firm peaks form at medium-high speed.

Putting the Black Forest Cake together:

  • If necessary, use a serrated knife to level the tops of the cake layers once they have cooled. On a serving dish, put one layer of the cake. Add a substantial quantity of cherry filling and a layer of whipped cream on top. Place the second cake layer on top, gently pressing it down.

Frost the Cake:

  • Make sure to spread the whipped cream icing evenly and smoothly on the top and edges of the cake. To decorate the top edge of the cake, pipe a border using a star-shaped tip and piping bag.

Garnish and Serve:

  • Sprinkle chocolate shavings on top of your Black Forest Cake for a beautiful finishing touch, and add a few fresh cherries for a splash of colour. Prior to serving, place the cake in the refrigerator to allow the flavours to blend.



Tips and Precautions for Making Black Forest Cake:

  1. Measure Accurately: This is especially important for the components that will go into the cake layers if you want exact and consistent results. When measuring dry and liquid components, use measuring cups and spoons.
  2. Room Temperature Ingredients: Ensure that items like milk and eggs are at room temperature. This promotes a smoother batter and greater ingredient inclusion.
  3. Sift the Dry Ingredients: : Sifting the flour and cocoa powder will help to aerate the mixture, eliminate lumps, and produce a lighter, fluffier cake.
  4. Properly Grease and Line Cake Pans: To stop the cake from sticking to the pans, thoroughly grease the pans and cover the bottoms with parchment paper.
  6. Test for Doneness: Insert a toothpick into the centre of the cake layers to see whether they are finished baking. The cake is done if the tester comes out clean or with a few moist crumbs.
  7. Chill the Whipping Cream and Bowl:  The heavy whipping cream and the mixing bowl should be chilled in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes before to whipping to guarantee excellent whipped cream.
  8. Gentle Cherry Filling: Gently mix the cherry filling while you prepare it to prevent shattering the cherries and preserve their texture.
  9. Garnish Creatively: Creatively garnish the cake with chocolate shavings and fresh cherries to improve its aesthetic appeal.
  1. Avoid Overmixing:  A thick and rough texture might occur from overmixing the cake batter. The components should only be mixed briefly.
  2. Don’t Overbake:  Avoid overbaking by keeping a tight watch on the cake layers. A dry cake may result from overbaking.
  3. Handle Whipped Cream with Care:  Whipped cream should be handled with caution since it can turn runny if overwhipped. Therefore, once firm peaks appear, cease beating the cream.
  4. Cool the Cake Layers Completely: Before constructing the cake, let the cake layers cool completely on a wire rack to prevent the icing from melting.
  5. Store Properly: After constructing the cake, store any leftovers in the refrigerator in an airtight container to preserve their freshness.
  6. Allergy and Dietary Considerations:  Considerations for Food Allergies and Dietary Restrictions: Make sure the cake is made appropriately if you or your guests have any food allergies or dietary requirements.


Estimated Nutrition (per entire Black Forest Cake):

Calories: ~3500-4000 kcal                           Total Fat: ~150-180g

  • Saturated Fat: ~60-80g Cholesterol: ~800-1000mg
  • Sodium: ~2000-2500mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: ~500-600g
  • Dietary Fiber: ~25-30g
  • Sugars: ~350-400g
  • Protein: ~50-60g

Who can eat Who cannot

Who Can Eat Dreamlight Valley Ratatouille:

  • People without Specific Dietary limitations or Allergies: People who don’t have any allergies or dietary limitations shouldn’t have any issues enjoying black forest cake.
  • People without Lactose Intolerance: People who do not have a lactose intolerance should be aware that the cake contains heavy whipping cream, a dairy product. It can be consumed by those who are lactose intolerant.
  • People without Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac Disease: All-purpose flour, which contains gluten, is used to make the cake layers for those without gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. It can be consumed by those without celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
  • Those who can consume eggs: Because the cake contains eggs, those who are not allergic to them can eat them.

Who cannot eat:

  • Anyone with Lactose Intolerance or Dairy Allergies: The cake contains heavy whipping cream, which may be problematic for anyone who have these conditions. They should steer clear of this cake or look for appropriate dairy-free substitutes.
  • Gluten-sensitive or Celiac Disease sufferers: The cake’s layers are made using gluten-containing wheat flour. Individuals with celiac illness or gluten sensitivity should stay away from conventional Black Forest Cake or use gluten-free alternatives for the cake layers.
  • People with Cherry Allergies: People with cherry allergies should be aware that the Black Forest Cake has a lot of cherry filling. Cherry allergy sufferers should avoid this cake or replace the cherry filling with another fruit filling.
  • Vegans take note: Whipped cream, eggs, and occasionally gelatin (found in certain cherry fillings) are all ingredients in black forest cake. To make the cake fit for their diet, vegans can hunt for plant-based substitutes.

History –

The Black Forest Cake’s fascinating history spans several centuries and is also known as “Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte” in German. The cake has significant roots to the Black Forest region in southwest Germany, whence it receives its name, even though its precise origins are a little hazy.

Early Origins: It is said that the Black Forest Cake first appeared in the 16th century, when the Black Forest in Germany was well known for its profusion of tart cherries and kirsch (cherry brandy). These components were first used by regional bakers and confectioners to make cherry-flavored pastries.

The development of the cake: The 19th century saw the beginning of the cake as we know it today. The Black Forest Cake as we know it today is thought to have originated in 1915, according to German pastry master Josef Keller of Bad Godesberg. His rendition of the cake had layers of chocolate sponge cake, whipped cream, cherries, and kirsch. He was the executive chef of Café Agner in Bad Godesberg. It gained popularity among customers at the café.

Term and Popularity: The term “Black Forest Cake” is claimed to have been influenced by the region’s connection to cherries and kirsch in the Black Forest. The cake became well-known not just in Germany but also abroad, particularly in the nearby European nations.

Global Recognition: The Black Forest Cake spread around the world after World War II as a result of increased tourism and international travel. It became a popular dish in many nations because to its flavorful excess as well as the aesthetic attraction of the chocolate shavings and cherries on top.

Variations & Adaptations: Over time, several locales and cultures have given the Black Forest Cake their own unique touch. While the classic recipe calls for cherries steeped in kirsch, other variations substitute other liqueurs or even completely remove alcohol. Additionally, versions with other sponge cake fillings and cream have also arisen.

The Black Forest Cake is still a renowned traditional dish today and is still very popular all over the world. It is still a delicacy savoured on special occasions and holidays and a representation of German confectionary quality.

Frequently Asked Questions –

  • Can you provide me a detailed recipe on how to make a delicious black forest cake from scratch?

Yes, that’s right. Here is a thorough, step-by-step recipe for a delicious handmade black forest cake, with all the necessary materials and directions.

  • Are there any particular guidelines or techniques to follow to guarantee the moistness and flavour of the black forest cake?

Without a doubt! In order to make sure your black forest cake is a delicious treat, I’ve included some useful advice and safety measures in the recipe.

  • How much time does it take to produce this black forest cake, and what are the expected costs?

In order for you to make appropriate plans, I have approximated the cake’s overall cost and preparation time.

  • Can you supply the black forest cake’s nutritional details, including its calories, fat content, and other ingredients?

Although it might be difficult to supply exact nutritional information, I’ve made an educated guess based on widely used items.

  • Are there any particular tools required to bake the black forest cake, and can you suggest any substitutes if I don’t have all of them?

Yes, I have mentioned the necessary equipment along with suggested substitutes you might use.

  • Is this cake acceptable for everyone, or should I take any dietary considerations or allergies into account?

I’ve listed who can eat the cake and who might need to be cautious or stay away from it because of allergies or dietary constraints.

  • What can I do to make my black forest cake distinctive and appealing to the eye?

Answer: To improve the cake’s aesthetic appeal, I’ve given suggestions for imaginatively garnishing it.

  • How can I modify the black forest cake recipe to satisfy particular dietary requirements, like being vegan or gluten-free?

For a variety of dietary requirements, I’ve highlighted several alterations you may apply to the dish.

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