Deliciously Satisfying Black Bean Noodles Recipe – A Flavorful Twist to Your Table

black bean noodles
 Black bean noodles are a delicious cuisine that we offer for you to try today. This recipe is guaranteed to become a family favourite since it is full of flavour and healthy benefits. It’s not only tasty, but it’s also simple to cook and provides a healthy alternative for any mealtime. Therefore, let’s explore the realm of savoury delight and discover how to prepare this delicious meal!
black bean noodles

Black Bean Noodles

On Our Website, learn about the origins and flavours of black bean noodles (jjajangmyeon). You'll want more of this delicious Korean-Chinese dish, which comes with a savoury black bean sauce. Learn to prepare it now!
Total Time 28 minutes
Course Breakfast, Side Dish
Cuisine korean
Servings 4 People
Calories 348 kcal


  • Large pot
  • Colander/Strainer
  • Mixing bowl
  • Cutting board and knife:
  • Large Pan/Skillet
  • Wooden spoon or spatula
  • Serving plates


For the Noodles:

  • 8 ounces of dried black bean noodles
  • 1 tablespoon 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil (optional)
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoon soy sauce (low-sodium recommended)
  • 2 tablespoons oyster sauce (or hoisin sauce for a vegetarian option)
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon gochujang (Korean chili paste) – adjust to taste for spice level
  • 1 cup of sliced vegetables (bell peppers, carrots, zucchini, or any of your choice)
  • 1 cup of sliced mushrooms (shiitake, cremini, or oyster mushrooms work well)

For Garnish:

  • Sliced green onions
  • Toasted sesame seeds
  • Lime wedges


Boil the Black Bean Noodles:

  • Bring a big saucepan of water to a boil first. Cook the black bean noodles as directed on the package, adding a small amount of salt. Drain them after cooking, then set them aside.

Prepare the Sauce:

  • Soy sauce, oyster sauce (or hoisin sauce), brown sugar, rice vinegar, and gochujang should all be combined in a mixing dish. Stir everything up thoroughly until well-combined. Once you've tasted the sauce, season it to your liking.

Sauté Vegetables and Garlic:

  • In a big pan, heat the vegetable oil and sesame oil (if using). Garlic that has been minced should be added and sautéed for about 30 seconds, or until fragrant. Add the mushrooms and cut veggies and stir-fry for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender-crisp.

Add the Noodles and Sauce:

  • Boil the black bean noodles and add them to the sautéed veggies in a skillet. Making sure the noodles and veggies are equally coated, pour the prepared sauce over the noodles and combine everything.

Incorporate Flavors:

  • For a further 2-3 minutes, stir-fry the noodles and veggies. This enables the flavours to combine and provide a mouthwatering flavour profile.

Serve and Garnish:

  • Remove the skillet from the heat after the veggies are cooked through and the black bean noodles are well covered with sauce. Place the noodles on each person's serving platter. For a burst of freshness, garnish with sliced green onions, toasted sesame seeds, and a lime wedge.



Tips and Precautions for Making Black Bean Noodles:

  1. Pick High-Quality Ingredients: For the finest nutrients and flavours, use high-quality black bean noodles, crisp veggies, and genuine sauces. Superior components can improve a dish’s flavour profile.
  2. Adapt the spice level: The recipe is made spicier by the addition of gochujang, a Korean chilli paste. Change the amount of gochujang if you prefer a milder or spicier flavour.
  3. Don’t Overcook Noodles: Keep an eye on the noodles while they are boiling to prevent overcooking, which can make the noodles mushy and change the texture of the meal. For the ideal cooking time, adhere to the package directions.
  4. Prepare in advance: Making the sauce and veggies ahead of time will save you time. The night before or early in the day, mince the garlic, slice the veggies, and make the sauce.
  5. Customize with Protein: Add your preferred protein source to the dish to make it your own. For a heartier supper, grilled chicken, tofu, prawns or even sliced beef are great additions.
  6. Be Wary of Sodium: Sauces with a high sodium content, such as soy and oyster sauce, should be avoided. If you are managing your salt consumption, think about using low-sodium choices.
  7. Creative Garnishing: The addition of green onions, toasted sesame seeds, and lime wedges not only improves the flavour of the meal but also its appearance. Use your imagination while adding new garnishes.
  8. sample and Adjust: As the food is being prepared, sample it and make any necessary spice adjustments. Since every person has a unique palate, customising the flavours is encouraged.


  1. Food sensitivities: Be aware of any sensitivities to certain foods that you or your visitors may have. If necessary, provide other meals or alternative ingredients to satisfy dietary constraints.
  2. Cross-Contamination: Practise appropriate food safety and hygiene to prevent cross-contamination. To avoid cross-contamination, use different cutting surfaces and tools for vegetables and meat.
  3. Cook Meat Thoroughly:  Cook Meat Until Recommended Internal Temperature: If the recipe calls for meat, make sure it is cooked until the recommended internal temperature.
  4. Check for Dietary Restrictions: Verify for Dietary Restrictions: It’s polite to specify any potential allergies or dietary restrictions, such as vegetarian or vegan choices, in the dish description if you plan to share the recipe with others.


  • Calories: Around 300-400 calories per serving
  • Protein: Approximately 10-15 grams per serving
  • Fat: About 8-12 grams per serving
  • Carbohydrates: Approximately 50-60 grams per serving
  • Fiber: Around 5-7 grams per serving
  • Sodium: Approximately 800-1000 mg per serving (can vary depending on the type and amount of sauces used)
  • Sugar: Around 5-10 grams per serving (mainly from the brown sugar and natural sugars in the vegetables)
  • Vitamin A: Varies based on the vegetables used (e.g., carrots contribute to vitamin A)
  • Vitamin C: Varies based on the vegetables used (e.g., bell peppers contribute to vitamin C)
  • Iron: Around 2-4 mg per serving (mainly from the black bean noodles and vegetables)

Who can eat Who cannot

Who Can Eat 

  • General Population: The whole public, including adults and children, who do not have any dietary restrictions or allergies to the components in the recipe, can eat black bean noodles.
  • Vegetarians: Vegetarians can eat the meal if it is made with vegetarian oyster sauce or hoisin sauce. Verify that no sauces containing products from animals are being utilised.
  • Vegans: By using plant-based noodles, vegan oyster sauce, and skipping any animal-based proteins like beef or shellfish, Black Bean Noodles may be made to be vegan-friendly with the right component selections.
  • Pescatarians: Black bean noodles can be flavoured with seafood like prawns or fish for pescatarians, who eat fish but no other meat.

Who cannot eat:

  • Food Allergies: If using seafood, anyone with allergies to soy, wheat (gluten), or shellfish should avoid the dish altogether or adjust it as necessary.
  • Gluten Intolerance or Celiac Disease: Black bean noodles are frequently produced from wheat flour, making them unsuitable for anyone with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. To accommodate these people, gluten-free substitutes can be utilised, such as rice noodles.
  • Sodium-Restricted Diet: Diets that limit their intake of salt may need to avoid some of the sauces included in this dish, such as soy and oyster sauce. People who follow a sodium-restricted diet should be careful how much of these sauces they use or choose low-sodium substitutes.
  • Spice Sensitivity: The Korean chilli paste, gochujang, makes the food spicier. People who are sensitive to heat in meals can either omit or modify the amount of gochujang to suit their tastes.

History –

Black bean noodles, also known as Jjajangmyeon in Korean, have a long and rich history in Korean food and culture. The dish’s intriguing history begins in Korea at the turn of the 20th century.

  • Early Origins: The history of Jjajangmyeon may be traced to the 1910–1945 era of Japanese colonial control in Korea. Many Koreans were experiencing economic difficulty at this time, and several Chinese immigrants arrived in Korea in search of better prospects.
  • Jjajangmyeon’s invention: It’s said that Chinese immigrants to the Korean city of Incheon in the early 1900s invented Jjajangmyeon. The meal was tailored to Korean tastes and ingredients at the time after being influenced by Chinese noodles.
  • The Black Bean Sauce: The black bean sauce that covers the noodles is what makes Jjajangmyeon unique. The sauce has a deep, savoury, and somewhat sweet flavour that comes from the combination of black soybean paste, caramelised onions, and different spices.
  • Increase in Popularity: At first, Jjajangmyeon was a rare treat and was frequently presented on joyous occasions like birthdays. But as time went on, it gained traction and Koreans started to adore it as a comfort dish. Jjajangmyeon was a staple of Korean-Chinese cuisine by the middle of the 20th century and was easily found in eateries all throughout the nation.
  • Modern Jjajangmyeon: Jjajangmyeon is still a beloved and recognisable dish in contemporary Korean cooking. It is frequently ordered in Korean-Chinese restaurants or consumed as a takeaway meal. While it continues to be a well-liked alternative for birthdays and other special occasions, it has also established itself as a go-to choice for gatherings and informal meals.
  • Cultural Significance: Jjajangmyeon has cultural importance in Korea in addition to its culinary appeal. Characters frequently share this meal during touching or dramatic sequences in Korean dramas and films. As a result, in Korean popular culture, Jjajangmyeon has come to represent cosiness, nostalgia, and community.

In conclusion, the history of Jjajangmyeon shows how Chinese and Korean culinary ideas were combined at a trying time in Korean history. Due to its distinctive flavours and cultural importance, it is still regarded as a treasured and iconic meal by Koreans and people all over the world.


Frequently Asked Questions –

How do you pronounce black bean noodles?
A type of Asian noodle made with black beans and wheat flour is known as black bean noodles. They taste savoury and have a distinctive black colour.

How do I prepare black bean noodles?
The preparation of black bean noodles is quite easy. The noodles should be cooked as directed on the box in a saucepan of boiling water. Before using the cooked noodles in your recipe, drain and rinse them with cold water.

What items are frequently used in recipes for black bean noodles?
Answer: Garlic, soy sauce, oyster sauce, brown sugar, rice vinegar, gochujang (Korean chilli paste), and vegetarian options such hoisin sauce are frequently used in black bean noodle dishes. For flavour and texture, vegetables such bell peppers, carrots, zucchini, and mushrooms are frequently included.

Can I create vegan or vegetarian black bean noodles?
Without a doubt! By adding vegetarian hoisin sauce or vegetarian oyster sauce and leaving out any meat or shellfish, black bean noodles are easily converted to a vegetarian dish. To make a vegan version, make sure all the components are plant-based and use tofu or tempeh in place of the beef.

How much time does it take to prepare black bean noodles?
According to the intricacy of the recipe and the cook’s abilities, the preparation time for black bean noodles normally ranges from 20 to 30 minutes.

Do black bean noodles contain any gluten?
No, traditional black bean noodles include gluten since they are prepared with wheat flour. Noodles made from different beans or grains can be found as gluten-free substitutes.

What are some common toppings for black bean noodles?
Toasted sesame seeds, lime wedges, and thinly sliced green onions are common garnishes with black bean noodles. These give the meal more freshness and improve its aesthetic appeal.

Can I change the amount of spice in black bean noodles?
Without a doubt! The amount of gochujang used may be changed to alter the level of heat. Reduce or eliminate it completely if you prefer a milder flavour.

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